Aircraft Operations Studies

AAP Inc. has developed an aircraft activity counter using a wireless infrared camera system designed for capturing aircraft operations at non-towered airports.

The AAP Cam™ consists of remote units located at each runway end. Every time an aircraft departs or lands, the AAP Cam™ takes a picture and automatically transmits it wirelessly as an email to the AAP Airport Planning Team.

To ensure a high quality of activity observation, the AAP Cams™ are left on the airfield to collect data for period of 18-24 months. During the observation period, the airport operations are tallied and organized into categories such as the number of engines, type of aircraft (piston, turbine, jet, or helicopter), and the category of aircraft by design group (A-I, B-II, C-III, D-IV).

The AAP Cam™ not only provides an accurate count of total operations, but also provides detailed information about those operations. With this technique of counting operations, our clients have used the aircraft operations data for justifying funding requirements of runway extensions and maintenance projects with FAA Airport District Offices and State Aviation Agencies.

Provides Accurate Data

Support for airport managers to promote airport development

Accurate Aircraft Operational Data

Provides reliable information to citizens and elected officials to use in support of airport development and promotion.

Provides Airport Management with a true baseline of operations instead of estimates shown in the latest Airport Master Plan and on the FAA Airport Master Record (FAA Form-5010).

Provides justification to be used with the FAA and State Aviation officials to gain funding support for:

-  Runway lengthening projects.

- Maintaining existing runway lengths and widths when support is in question by funding agencies.

-  Obtain discretionary funding from FAA and State Aviation Departments.

Monthly Aircraft Operation Presentations